Two years ago I was summoned to the castle Brennenburg. These are my final words, my confession and testament.

This has fed the idea that the baron is in fact the one and the same who came from the West over three hundred years ago, lived through the time of occupation, and joined the coveted Order of the Black Eagle along with the great leaders of this country. The family has always been secretive when it comes to lineage and heritage, therefore the birth and death of Alexander and his offspring has never been fully recorded. Alexander helped the region to flourish and remained popular throughout his presumed lifetime. It was rebuilt by Alexander, a nobleman from the Rhinelands claiming the role as protector of the Prussian State. Researching the history reveals little before the castle was consumed by fire in the late 16th century. Who was this mysterious man who visited the sleepy hamlet in the woods and what happened to him? The Immortal Baron The Baron of Brennenburg lives a reclusive life with his family at his castle nearby Altstadt and like most those of noble birth, rumors are inherited alongside with the title. He dismissed the notion of ever visiting Altstadt, which makes you wonder what really happened. Heinrich is known to have passed away in Grenoble some ten years later. One day he went to investigate a burrow in the northwestern glades only to never be seen again. During his stay all the prominent members of society paid notice and he is mentioned in many records of the time. He resided in the local inn for a fortnight as he looked for remnants of kingdoms past. What dark scheme do they follow? A Visit Undone Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, the well known erudite, visited Altstadt at the start of the 16th century. It is their prey which can be heard struggling inside damp burlap sacks dragged behind them which reveal their presence. They are called Gatherers as they seem to follow some ambition to steal living creatures. They move silently through the woods, shying away from any beholder. Many have sighted them over the years and describe them as horrid revenants. Their bodies wrought by their tainted souls have left them disfigured and empty of essence. It is said that soldiers who abandoned their duty got lost in the cold dark woods and were forever damned to roam the grounds. The Gatherers This story reaches all the way back to the time of the Thirty Years' War. All of them have their own twists on the tales, but there are some motifs that keep reappearing. All travelers should indulge themselves in such conversations since it will certainly serve as exciting entertainment. Ask any local and you will hear proof of the widespread superstition. The quiet forest-clad mountains dressed with scattered lakes is as picturesque as can be, albeit the area is haunted by the dark. For centuries there have been stories surrounding the hamlet and its neighbor, castle Brennenburg. Altstadt and Brennenburg Castle 1801 Another region rich with lore is Altstadt, deep within the East Prussian woods.